Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Statistical Analyses of Research Question Statistics Project

Statistical Analyses of Research Question - Statistics Project Example Regulation takes two broad forms: formal (constitutes regulation by authorities to prevent society from falling into some ungovernable state; for instance, employment of sanctions by law enforcement authorities) and informal (which involves an adaptation process triggered by socialization – the process of transforming persons with a potentially wide range of behavioral traits to conform to a narrower set of values accepted within the society they are adapting to (Warner, Leukefeld & Kraman, 2003). Yet transforming to an extent of fully conforming to the set social and legal standards that govern a group of individuals is not easy. This not only affects individuals who are new to a locality but it also forms a basis for social and legal strife among members of all ranks. Notably, the transformation process has been associated with challenges, including engagement in drug abuse and alcoholism, burglary among other antisocial behaviors (Fulkerson, Pasch, Perry & Komro, 2008). Research into the effects of informal social control is largely confined within the principles of the social control theory. The theory proposes four types of control: internal, indirect, direct, and control through satisfaction (Pratt, Gau & Franklin, 2011). Informal social control is of specific importance since it involves aspects of the individual’s ability to interact and socialize effectively in order to conform to the desired socio-legal model. Warner, Leukefeld and Kraman (2003) noted that the influence of social ties in mediating conformity to set social standards is unclear. For instance, ghetto-related behaviors tend to mutilate community values, and the resulting community is characterized by ambiguity in value adoption; with a section of the population drifting towards the larger community’s ideals and the remaining section adapting to ideals

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Culture and Health Applying Medical Anthropology Essay

Culture and Health Applying Medical Anthropology - Essay Example Examples of risk factors are: smoking, bad sexual practices and bad hygiene, while examples of protective factors are: sexual restrictions such as monogamy. It is due to these risk and protective factors that some cultures are known for some diseases, while some other cultures stand lesser risks of contracting certain types of diseases (Winkelman 20). There are some environmental and social conditions that affect the health of my community, Montclair, New Jersey. One of the environmental conditions that have had a negative impact on New Jersey is traffic congestion. This is due to the increase in the volume of vehicles that ply the Montclair route from time to time. The effect that the increased volume of vehicles in the city has on the health of the residents of the city is that it makes them have climate-related health problems. The emission of greenhouse gases by these vehicles causes air pollution and the effect is that it would alter the balance of the climate in the region and the world at large (Silver 27-29). It has also been observed that the number of smokers in the city have increased rapidly. Smokers stand the risk of contracting heart related diseases and could also get diseases that would affect some vital organs of their body.